Know What Does Car Detailing Include

Car detailing is a way to get your car looking its best. This process can be done by yourself or by professionals and it can range from getting rid of small scratches and cleaning up the interior, to restoring your vehicle's paint job. In this article we'll cover the basics of Car Detailing Glen Waverley, how much it costs, and how often you should get it done.

Car Washing

Washing the vehicle before detailing will make your job easier, because you can work more efficiently without having to clean up any messes. It also helps maintain a shine after a detail job, so it's best to wash your car before detailing rather than after.

When washing manually, use ample water pressure and rinse thoroughly. Dry your car with a microfiber towel or chamois cloth—you may need to apply some elbow grease here!

Surface Claying

Car Detail Near Me

Car claying is the first step in a Car Detailing Glen Waverley process. Clay bars are used to remove contaminants from the surface of your car's paint, including dirt, tar, industrial fallout and other debris. The clay bar works by lifting these contaminants away from your paint until they fall off when the bar is removed.

Because claying removes these contaminants, it allows you to use a cleaner polish or compound on your vehicle's surface without making an already bad situation worse by removing what little paint protection that might still be left on your car (which would result in more swirls). 

Additionally, after claying there will likely be some contaminants left over in those scratch marks that you may have thought were permanent—but aren't!

You can choose between manual and automatic detailing machines for this step. Manual machines require someone with steady hands but tend to be less expensive than automatic ones.

However, they take longer as well as provide less versatility in terms of size or vehicle type because they must be custom built for each customer's needs—which means if something changes with regard to how much time/money they want invested into this step then they'll need another machine built specifically designed around those modifications (hence why most people opt

Paint Sealing

The biggest benefit of paint sealing is its ability to protect your car's finish. The sealant layer forms a protective barrier that prevents oxidation and other damage, including fading, cracking and peeling. It also helps protect painted surfaces from scratches caused by rocks or other road debris. Paint sealant can last up to three years if properly maintained. In addition to protecting your car's finish, it can also improve its appearance by making it look shinier and deeper in color.

Rubbing & Polishing

The first step in the detailing process is rubbing and polishing. This step involves cleaning the car, removing any paint defects, waxing the car and rinsing it clean with hot water. The next step is to dry the car off with a microfiber towel.


We hope that this article has helped you better understand some of the key aspects of Car Detailing Glen Waverley. If you want to go ahead and get your own vehicle detailed, remember that there are several options available to you. You can find out more by contacting a professional car detailing business or doing some research on your own.


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